Chrisland student dies during inter-house sports, father demands justice

In a post that surfaced online on the night of Saturday, February 11, 2023, the grieving father narrated the event that led to the death of his daughter at the Agege Stadium, where the school used for its sporting activities on Thursday, February 9, 2023.

According to the parent, his child had no underlying health condition or sickness as at when the school bus pulled up outside their house to wheel her to the venue of the event

Mr Adeniran disclosed that his wife also later went to the stadium but couldn't find their child among the students there.


She was beginning to get worried as her efforts to locate the girl was returning no success, then shortly after, she noticed an ambulance hurriedly leaving the stadium.

The mother later found out that her daughter was the one being rushed to the hospital in the ambulance after she had slumped.

The student was confirmed dead at a nearby health centre she was taken to.

According to Mr Adeniran, the school didn't call his wife's attention to incident immediately, nor have they been able to provide any explanation as to what actually happened.

Adeniran wrote: “To the biggest shock of my life by 1 pm in the afternoon, I got a call from my wife that she was informed that our daughter slumped at the inter-house sport and she was rushed to the clinic.


“My wife was at the venue even before the event started. She was never informed or called until they have conveyed our child out of the venue before they informed her. On arrival of my wife at the health center where they took my daughter. my daughter was lying dead with her lips black and her tongue black.

“My wife called me urgently, I left my office to the place and found my 12year old daughter lying dead on the ground. I asked questions about what happened to my daughter and the school authority could not get me any information as to what happened to my child in their care.

“I gave Chrisland school a healthy vibrant young girl what Chrisland returned to me is a dead child. My entire family is in deep sorrow but the school Authority claimed they know nothing about my daughter’s death and all they know is that my daughter slumped and died.”

The father further questioned why the school failed to make provision for an ambulance or paramedics at the event, and could only afford a nurse he described as a "quack."

Adeniran added that: “My question is what happened to my daughter at Agege stadium? As a father, I demand answers from Chrisland International High School. I am in deep pain and sorrow right now. If you are a father you will understand my pain. My daughter is highly loved by us. We cherished her existence and we can never allow an institution to gloss over the death of our daughter.


“Since we started asking this question. The school has been asking us to back down from the autopsy and I know they know their way into the system. I am calling on the pathology department of @lasuth to please be honest with their result. Lagos State government, Nigerian Government, please intervene.”
